Stipend request process


We recommend that stipend requests be submitted at least 12 weeks before the funding is needed.

The maximum conference stipend size is typically around 10 USD per attendee. We prefer to help new events get established in their community and we encourage them to apply for different funding local options as well. Bigger conferences might be assigned a lower amount per attendee. Educational programs run within the conference should request a separate budget.

Our maximum educational program stipend size is typically USD 25 per student, provided the students each receive at least 6 hours of BEAM languages instruction as part of it, however we are open to review this amount on a case by case basis. Please note that subsequent requests for workshops in the same area may be funded at a lower rate to encourage sustainable, long-term relationships with local sponsors.

When submitting your workshop stipend request, it helps us to see a brief budget as this example:

Items Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost
Lunch and drinks 9 50 450
Travel expenses 20 3 60
Hotel expenses 50 2 100
Total 610

There is no maximum, however bear in mind that the foundation has a limited budget and we reserve the right of giving a stipend smaller than requested, let us know if this is a problem for you.